Linkky Land (Part I)
Purple, purple, purple, purple, and purple. How could it be to have been born with purple, purple, and purple? Never knowing of the amazing colors of green, pink, yellow, and so on. How could anyone put up with this? Well, actually, I have. My name is Hickory. Hickory Mai-Rook. I come from Linkky Land, with a wonderful kind named Linkky and an amazing queen named Land. Sadly, I was never allowed to show my love for my kingdom during the Great Time-Ago, when King Linkky most boldly stated 'Thou shouldest not use colors, for though I see them, they hurt my eyes. My fellows, my friends, my family, my to-be-so-soon friends and family, I daresay you agree? We shall NOT have things in which we do not want, and I daresay that this is one of them? I dare assume that you only want purple?!' Oh, and those who were alive then DID agree and thought that just the most splendid idea. Yes, we said, "Yes your majesty!"
Sadly, I was not allowed that chance, and it does hurt me so that I can't show my love for my land and country. He stated that most remarkable quote in the year 15421, and I was born in the year 19761. Yet the kind lives! Enough... Enough... You want to hear the STORY, not the background. Welcome to MY world...
Part I:
"Mother... Our life is so... boring. I think that it is due time that we have an adventure. I think that it is due time that we go somewhere fun. NOT going to the town square, you know I think that a chore!" complained Hickory. He was an adventurer, unlike his mother. He also shouted out windows, unlike his mother... "DON'T SHOUT" shouted Anna Mai. "The neighbors are going to think that you are cray-cray, girl!" She was trying to be a "coooooooollll mom" and it wasn't working.
UGH! Why didn't she get ANYTHING?! OK? I get it that I can't shout, but why don't you pay attention to what I am shouting??? Thought Hickory... MOTHERS. Well, time to go on his own adventure and become King Linkky's FAV. subject!
Water... hmmm, Hickory would get that later, cheese and grapes -- in his leaf sack! Plus, he had extra clothing in his dresser, but he would also get that when he needed to...
* * *
Everything was all set! Every single item needed on Hickory's long 2-hour journey was ready and packed in his small (yet useful) leaf sack.
Time to go!
And like that, Hickory Mai-Rook of the Village Manyän was off, alone and unprotected and out of the safety of his humble abode.
Minutes passed. It started to rain, HARD! Nobody likes hard rain. People like spring showers and baby showers and warm showers. But NOBO-DAY likes hard rain. Especially mice, which just happened to be what the poor young Hickory was. A mouse... that didn't like hard rain, that was in hard rain and headed to the Kings' Castle-Home-A-Boo. Anyway, when the mouse started to get WET and then SOAKED and then DRENCHED, he was not happy, and decided to stop his little walk for a drink. And maybe food.
Hickory saw a BEA-U-TI-FUL Purpallues Tree to climb up and fall fast asleep and eat and eat and eat and drink to his heart's content. Thus, he began to climb and climb the tall tree, getting wetter and wetter in the process, until he reached a most lovely and dry branch to start unpacking. Okay... He got his food out, his... OH NO!! He had forgotten to pack his water thermos, clothing, and probably something else that he forgot to forget! AGH! Oh, just my LUCK! thought that poor drench, semi-hungry, bad-smelling, really thirsty, scared, tired, cold mouse who felt so little and alone on the large Purpallues Tree that was about one mile from home.
He would continue on though! He was a tough mouse! He would do it!
And of course that was what he did, but because the rest of his walk was boring, I shall spare you the time and tell you that it was boring. In the time that it would take me, the writer, to tell you of what he did on his most dreary walk, let me instead inform you on what the rumblings were in the Palace of Dreams, or King Linkky's Kings' Castle-Home-A-Boo...
Part II:
"Malerie, you have forgotten to bring me my wine!" shouted King Linkky. "The special one, OK?"
This was the norm. behavior of the king; to only explain things in that most unexplainable, inexplainable, useless way. And of course, he didn't feel as though the Maid Malerie couldn't figure it out on her own. Bah, she had the smarts to know just what was going on, right? Haha, WRONG. This young woman was forced to guess at what the old king wanted, but it wasn't SO hard. His special wine was just so special that it was labeled and on it was the words "Special Wine (don't touch or you will be in the don-don.... Except for you Mal-ie, hon-hon, go ahead and bring it to me)"
An hour later Malerie returned to the Throne-Throw Room with a clear bottle filled with a swirling liquid in one hand, and two very detailed golden glasses in the other. "Here you are... sire." She handed him that large bottle, along with one of the glasses.
"Why, you dumbo!"
"I am sorry, sire! What have I done?!" Great, the king was in is 'Meanie-weenie' mood AGAIN.
"Why should you had me a CUP?! They are for WEENIES!" And with that he took both cups and threw them to the floor, creating quite a scene and a mess (which none other than Malerie had to clear up). And then he gulped and gulped and slurped and swallowed until only about half of the still-swirling liquid remained. "Hand this to my... lover!" Demanded the king in such a drunken fashion that Maid Malerie was quite happy to leave the Throne-Throw Room to give the rest of the bottle to King Linkky's "lover" who was none other than the Queen Land. When an hour had elapsed since both rulers drank the liquid, they entered the hallway together, both looking so young and vibrant that one could only imagine them in their late 20's... How? The liquid was a magic kind, which granted youth to the one who drank it.
* * *
"Sir! I found this RASCAL at your door trying to BREAK IN!" and then Guard 1 held up a scrawny mouse.
Part III:
Hickory was walking slowly now. He was ready to give up. He had no water or food, and only one pair of clean socks left! No weapon, no nothing, and STILL no adventure! GLEAM!Something was SHINING, and bright, too! Hickory dug and dug and dug, until his little paws succeeded in unearthing the source of the vibrant light: a bright PINK sword! Hickory had never seen that color (or any other besides PUR-PAL for that matter) before, or anything like it. He had made up his mind... He would keep it FOR-EVA. Yes, adventure really did have its uses!
* * *
"I'm but a poor mouse!" shouted the poor mouse in the chains, for he was all raggedy and gross and smelly and with only one pair of clean socks and thirsty and hungry and scared and tired and cold.
"Why are you HERE?! HUH?? HUH!? Nobody wants you to be here!" Sadly, the king wasn't very smart (and still can't quite tell the difference between a 'b' and a 'd') and never realized that if you give away too much information to the wrong person, mouse, rabbit, bird, cow, pig, etc. then you plans just might get ruined...
"Are you here to restore colors???!!! Who told you that colors are good for people?! I'm not going to kill you right now, os stop shaking and answer my demands!" shouted King Linkky.
"*gulp* I-I-I can't explain why. I-I-I don't even kn-know why I am here. M-My mo-mother-"
"That is ENOUGH!" shouted the king. "You SO know what I am talking about. You know that I only like purple because I have a multi-colored rash that I was made fun of for by the school kids and even lovely Land, but once I get rid of all the colors except purple, I didn't have the rash because purple is the only color I am not allergic to. You know that purple was the only color that wasn't on the rash, and so now I ONLY WANT PURPLE! I know you know it! I know you know I know it! SO STOP PRETENDING!" screeched the very purple king.
"He doesn't know, but I do!" shouted Hickory and with that, he drew out a very pretty and shiny sword thats color brought to mind the word 'pink.'
The king jumped up out of his large throne and in 4-5 long seconds he found his magic-filled sword and held it aloft. "You cannot---- AGH!" King Linkky's rash was spreading, because pink was in the room. He was going to have the thing on him again!
After that, many things happened at once: Hickory's cousin can running towards him, the queen started to laugh a high-pitched and ugly laugh, and the guards were off-guard.
Off ran Hickory and Höoky... out the door and to their home, with the king behind them.
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