Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Skinny, Fat Wolf

Not-so-long-ago there was a very skinny wolf, who happened to eat when he was bored. There came a day when he was dared to stay in his house for an entire week by one of his ‘best bud’s.’ When this day happened to come along, so did Ca-chow, a member of the Biggest Artificial Calaborative Operation Near-here (a.k.a B.A.C.O.N. and was meant to save pigs from becoming known only as the BACON-MAKERS).
As Ca-Chow was walking home, he realized that someone was watching him! “Who’s there?!” he yelled.
“Hey, sweetie, I’m here.” said Ba-con, (bay-con) Ca-Chow’s girlfriend.
“Oh, it’s you. I thought I was being watched...”
“That was ME, I love you SO SO SO SO much, hunny!”

“I must have something to eat!” cried the wolf. He just couldn’t stand not doing anything, so what better to do than eat? He looked in the pantry - no food. He looked in the cookie jar - no cookies. He looked at the table - no food. He looked everywhere in his one-room house, but couldn’t find any food. “I don’t care if I am breaking a bet, I NEED FOOD!”
The impatient wolf stalked out of his house and out to the field. He saw some lovely meese grazing and eating their tummies FULL. I will eat one of THOSE! thought the wolf. He snuck up on one and then ate him. Poor moose. Then he ate another. And another. And another. And another. Boy, these are REALLY GOOD! Almost as good as bacon! thought Wolf. Then he ate more more more more more more more more more meese until the entire group was gone. The skinny wolf was now fat, and the fat meese were now very skinny, so skinny that all there was was bones (as in the wolf ate them)!
“Well, time to go to the house and get some food!” said the wolf. He tried to get up. “OW!” He tried again. “OW! What’s wrong with me!? Am I sick or something?!” He tried again. It ended up that the dummy wolf had eaten too much and couldn’t get up.

“I am going to take a walk with the brothers!” shouted Ca-chow as he walked out the door to meet his brothers. The three fat, chubby, juicy, delicious, yummy-looking pigs then set out for a nice long walk. They walked past the town and past the well. They walked past the pub (after a few) and past the houses. They walked past the stores and finally reached the field to which they were headed. “I love it when we take walks together!” squeaked piggie 1. “Me too!” squacked piggie 3. “Me three!” shouted piggie 3.

The wolf heard their voices and thought about calling for help, but when he realized that they were piggies and were delicious-looking ones at that, he opted not to. He struggled and struggled, trying to get up and sneak up on the talkative mammals. He couldn’t. Hours passed and he couldn’t get up. He tried and tried by couldn’t get up. The piggies eventually left, and the wolf was all alone in the dark.
“I shouldn’t have eaten that much!” shouted the wolf. He didn’t realize that the reason he could get up was actually that the meese he had eaten were cardboard and the real meese put superglue on his buttoks. But either way, the wolf learned his lesson.

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